
Saturday, July 31, 2010

Crying is good

HEREVER WE GO today, we could see different recreational centers all around us, where people go to in order to be entertained. There are entertainment houses, disco houses, theaters, play stations, and other sports facilities where one can find fun and enjoyment. This only proves that most of the people today are pleasure-seekers. They seek for pleasure because there is also a growing misery, failures, and tribulations in their lives. And all these result from man’s disobedience to God. Man seems to be in an endless search for pleasure, but instead of finding it, his sadness only grows more. Apparently, entertainment houses is not really the remedy to man’s sadness.

Do you know that it is better to cry than to have fun? It may be contradictory to common belief but this could be reflected in Ecclesiastes 7:2. It says—

“It is better to go to the house of mourning than to go to the house of feasting: for that is the end of all men; and the living will lay it to his heart.”

Do you know that crying can be a good medicine for stress? This was found out in a study conducted by experts in America. Based on the research, crying lightens one’s feelings, and people with positive attitude towards crying have a very slim chance of developing ulcer, colitis, and other stress related diseases.

Dr. William H. Frey II, a biochemist, found out that tears have a complex chemical composition more that others think. Researchers found out that there is a big difference between tears caused by joy, anger, and sadness and tears caused by irritation. Based on research, emotional tears contain more substances that our body develops whenever we are under stress. And this is hazardous to one’s health. Because of this, it is believed that crying is an effective way of eliminating wastes in our body because tears remove these stress-related substances. This is the reason why a person feels better after crying. Also, according to reports, tears caused by emotional outbursts have higher protein concentration, which cures emotional stress.

Crying that is triggered by emotional pain is not something that one should be ashamed of, inasmuch as this is but one natural physical process, which is very helpful in easing one’s pain. One psychotherapist said that, “Crying is good for the soul. It opens the lungs, washes the countenance, exercises the eyes, and softens down the temper.” That is why we can say that the Bile is a book that never goes out of fashion. What the Bible said thousands of years ago, are being confirmed by Science today. And one of these truths pertains to crying.

One more thing, for God, a broken and contrite heart is better than a rejoicing heart. This could be read in Psalms 51:17—

“The sacrifices of God are a broken spirit: a broken and a contrite heart, O God, thou wilt not despise.”

This is a key to success and prosperity. In every field of endeavor, success and victory become attainable if our efforts are coupled with tears. Let the tears fall as we struggle for victory.

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